Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Frigid wasteland update

It has been viciously cold for the past week, with cutting winds. There isn't the faintest hint of warmer weather.

I noticed today, though, that the tree outside my door has buds on it. BUDS. I think the tree is crazy, but it is giving me hope.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tear down this wall

HUD is spending $2.2 million to tear down houses in East Cleveland, where 20% of the housing stock--or 2,200 buildings--are abandoned. The budget is nowhere near enough money.

Really, I'm not exaggerating about the dire built environment.

More on this mess.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day

Today is Groundhog Day.

Staten Island Chuck was hauled out of his burrow and predicted that spring is on the way. Nice!

Punxsutawney Phil, who lives much closer to here, saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter. Shit.

As I was wondering which rodent oracle to believe, I found some groundhog-shaped cookies in a Cleveland coffee shop. Awesome, I thought. This ought to be good for some local divination. I'll get one and name it Cleveland Cookie! Maybe it means there will be an early spring.

I bought a cookie and headed out the door. Immediately afterward, I involuntarily skated down a giant ice patch that was the result of the melting and refreezing of January's 41 inches of snow. (This January was the second snowiest month ever in Cleveland records, which go back to 1870.) I went splat on the pavement. In the carnage, Cleveland Cookie was beheaded. So, uh, does that mean spring will never come? Eek.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day

I got out of work early and thought I'd revisit my neglected blog.

There's at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground; about eight inches of that fell today. They're expecting lots more. I'm glad about it though--they canceled work, and I can hole up inside now. Plus, if it's warm enough to snow, that means my apartment won't hover around 55 degrees, as it does normally. (Normal=below 10 degrees; that stated, it was 20 below for a several-day stretch this month.)

I saw a pickup truck fishtail in the street. Poor broke Cleveland can't really afford to plow and salt all that much.

Last time it snowed this much, the nearby dorks made some giant snow cubes (instead of balls?). They were stacked, each about two or three feet across, in a sort of pixelated version of a snowman.

Maybe now's the time to plot not just a snowman, but a snow army!