Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day

I got out of work early and thought I'd revisit my neglected blog.

There's at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground; about eight inches of that fell today. They're expecting lots more. I'm glad about it though--they canceled work, and I can hole up inside now. Plus, if it's warm enough to snow, that means my apartment won't hover around 55 degrees, as it does normally. (Normal=below 10 degrees; that stated, it was 20 below for a several-day stretch this month.)

I saw a pickup truck fishtail in the street. Poor broke Cleveland can't really afford to plow and salt all that much.

Last time it snowed this much, the nearby dorks made some giant snow cubes (instead of balls?). They were stacked, each about two or three feet across, in a sort of pixelated version of a snowman.

Maybe now's the time to plot not just a snowman, but a snow army!